Sex Facts
The average vagina is 3-4 inches long
The vagina grows twice its size when aroused
Only about 30% of women orgasm from intercourse alone
Female G-Spot is about 2 inches inside her vagina on the top vaginal wall
The vagina is self-cleaning, douching can throw off your vagina’s natural PH
The average length of an erect penis is 5-6 inches
A man shoes size does not correlate with the size of his penis
The male G-spot (Prostate gland) is located about 2 inches inside a man’s rectum
Women fantasize more during sex than men
Condoms do not protect from all Sexually Transmitted Diseases. STD’s such as herpes and genital warts are transferred skin to skin
HPV sometimes shows no symptoms and can go away on it’s on in some cases
"Pubic hair provides cushion against friction that can cause skin abrasion and Injury"
Pubic hair is protection from bacteria
The clitoris has about 8,000 nerve endings
All women have the ability to squirt